And now in English!
Sunday 3rd July 2022
Amsterdam : de Roos
We are living in interesting times. A tsunami of information, often conflicting, with which we are continually bombarded, is for many of us stressful. Even if this is not always on a conscious level, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Finding our own path and making well founded decisions can be challenging. In order to do this we must be able to weigh up information coming from outside and information which arises internally through subtle (or not so subtle) feelings, dreams and body symptoms.
Very often we can become distracted from what we really feel inside and get carried along in wanting to belong. So we abandon our deepest values and intuitions and make choices which are not aligned with our essence. Yet at the same time there are many of us currently reassessing our life choices, sensing new possibilities of freedom and greater connection with the whole.
Soul Purpose
This workshop is designed to support you in accessing your inner compass, that level of knowledge that brings you into alignment with your soul purpose. So that there is more ease in following your own path and less likelihood of falling into mindless conformism on one hand or compulsive rebellion on the other. How? In a warm and supportive atmosphere we will use exercises based on the Tarot, guided meditation, bodywork and dreamwork. The exercises will be tailored to meet the developing process in the group and that of all the individuals.
Felice Derkinderen and Zelda Hall will use their expertise and years of experience in guiding you in the discovery of your own unique path. Please contact Zelda for registration or more information.
Date: Sunday 13 July 2022.
Time: 11:00 – 17:00
To register or for more information contact Zelda