There are no upcoming events.

Zelda loves to be invited to speak – especially live – as she highly values the connection created in groups. If you would like to have Zelda give a talk or a workshop, particularly outside the Netherlands, (Zelda loves to spread her wings), please feel free to contact her.

Past events


20/20 A vision for the new year.

Women and Men on the Edge: Revisioning and co-creating new possibilities for living.

A two day workshop with Mick Collins and Zelda Hall


Do you dream of a better world?

Humanity is facing multiple crises that are impacting people’s lives, economically, politically, ecologically, socially and spiritually. Polarisations are being created in many areas.The societal roles and expectations of us as women and as men are shifting and evolving rapidly.This is confusing and painful for many of us, creating division and isolation at a time when we long for a sense of belonging and interconnection.

We are at an edge

This workshop offers opportunities for women and men to explore their fullest potential as individuals in this time of global crisis. We will consider how existing roles and expectations can be limiting and/or enabling.We will explore how we can then be participants in the collective, transpersonal and ecological quest for wholeness. How we can go beyond the edge.

We will also make space for the visionary energies which are alive within us, as we make connections to inner wisdom, talents and abilities.

Who is the workshop for?

This workshop is for anyone who struggles with what it means to be a woman or a man in these times and is interested in supporting their deepest vision, and what this could mean for participating in collective transformation.

Ways of working

Various techniques and approaches such as visualisation, dreamwork and body awareness exercises will be used in the workshop, both individually and in pairs. There will also be some group process work.

Mick and Zelda both have a background in, and are inspired by, Process Oriented Psychology as envisioned by Arnold and Amy Mindell.

We invite you to:

  • Explore what being a woman/man in these times means for you.
  • Discover what gifts you bring to the world beyond the roles you have been assigned or taken on.
  • Co-create new ways of soul-centred living.


This exciting new workshop is a collaboration between Mick Collins and Zelda Hall.

Dr Mick Collins worked for 12 years as an NHS occupational therapist in acute mental health settings and in a psychological therapies team. During this time he spent 9 years training in Process Oriented Psychology. Mick then worked for 10 years as a lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science University of East Anglia, before retiring in 2015. His research and writing interests are on the links between spiritually transformative experiences and our collective adaptive potential to tackle the global crisis.

Mick’s first book The Unselfish Spirit: Human Evolution in a Time of Global Crisis won the 2014 Scientific and Medical Network book prize. He was ‘author in profile’ at the 2014 Hostry Festival, and was interviewed about his book at the 2015 International Hay Festival for Literature. In 2016 he was interviewed about his work on Conscious TV. Mick’s latest book was published in 2018, The Visionary Spirit: Awakening to the Imaginal Realm in the Transformocene Age. He is currently writing his next book, The Restorative Spirit.

Mick’s holistic coaching interests focus on deep transformation and the integration of the ‘transpersonal’ into everyday life. He lives in Norwich, UK and is a husband, father and grandfather.

Zelda Hall M.A. a psychologist and soul centred therapist. Her MSc. is in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology. She is trained in various modalities including Body oriented therapy and studied Process Oriented Psychology with Arnold and Amy Mindell and associates for ten years.

Zelda has a private practice (LUMEN) in Amsterdam for more than 35 years and works with people from all over the world. She has lectured in Trinity College Dublin, given workshops in many different countries and has been a lecturer and tutor in Transpersonal Therapy and Counselling for the Alef Trust. She also has taught and supervised therapists in training for programmes in the Netherlands.

Zelda is from N. Ireland and has been living in Amsterdam for many years. She loves guiding people in finding their path of soul and is passionate about contributing to consciousness evolution. She also paints, writes and likes to talk to trees.

What’s Your Soul Purpose?  Unfolding Destiny

 18-20 October

Join me in the beautiful medieval city of Bologna famed for its tower which leans further than Pisa
and the wonderful food.

This workshop is for all who are interested in exploring the essence of who they are and what their
unique contribution is to the world. And who are willing to join others on this path of exploration.

soul purpose
Painting by Annerike


In this workshop:

  • Discover the keys to your unique destiny
  • Learn to combine choice and destiny
  • Find ways in which you can take responsibility for your future
  • Discover meaning and joy


For more information contact Lucy or Zelda

Download the complete brochure


Werken met dromen: “de Rode draad”
door Zelda Hall


3 Zondag middagen:


Zelda zal een serie van drie workshops geven waarvan de rode draad zal zijn het verankeren in het lichaam van de kennis van de ziel.

Ze zal gebruik maken van het ‘dreambody’ concept van Arnold Mindell. Er wordt gewerkt met hoe dromen zich in het lichaam manifesteren in de vorm van ziekte en symptomen. Ook zullen we kijken hoe dezelfde thema’s of fenomenen voorkomen in alle aspecten van ons leven zoals relaties en ons geloofssysteem over onszelf en de wereld. Zo komen we erachter wat onze ‘levensmythe’  is; ons verhaal van de ziel. En hoe alles wat er gebeurt ons daartoe uit kan nodigen om meer ons-Zelf te worden.

Zelda zal iedere keer een  informatief introductie geven.  Dan heeft iedereen de kans om zelf te experimenteren met een oefening. Er is dan tijd voor het uitwisselen van ervaringen en het stellen van vragen.


The Soul’s Code – Diving Deep

Saturday 25th May 2019


Do you long for a more soulful life? Our soul speaks to us through dreams, body symptoms and synchronicities. Learn to listen with curiosity and compassion.

Each of us comes to this life with a purpose. By discovering what we are doing here, our life acquires meaning.

In this workshop we will use visualisation, bodywork, dreamwork and various other approaches to help discover our soul’s code.


For whom is this workshop suitable?

Anyone who wants to explore their soul purpose and is open to doing this in a small group is welcome.

You do not have to be accomplished in remembering your dreams 😉

I have been limiting the number of individual clients I take on, so this is an opportunity for those who would like to work with me but have not had a chance.

This workshop is inspired by the work of Arnold and Amy Mindell and also by James Hillman and Caroline Myss.

Dangerous Women Workshop

February 9 2019

A repeat of our weekend workshop for women given by Zelda, and Faye Blake.

A workshop for women in our series ‘She who dares’.

What makes a woman dangerous? Women who do not conform to a particular society’s expectations and ideas of femininity, while we might also admire them, are often seen as dangerous and threatening. Not only by men but by other women.

Because of this, women often suppress parts of themselves which they deem less acceptable. These parts, when unacknowledged, can wreak havoc in relationships and our work life as they sneak out anyway. Or they affect our physical health, expressing themselves as illness. We can sometimes find them lurking in the images of our dreams. We come across them in our responses to other women in our daily lives, in the media and in positions of power.

In this workshop we will explore what it means to be a ‘dangerous woman’ and who we consider to be a danger to ourselves or others. We will learn what our inner dangerous woman looks like and what her gifts might be.

We will use insights from astrology, history and culture, myth and story. You will get feedback and information based on your own personal astrological chart. Dreams and body work will also be used to explore your inner ‘dangerous woman’.

This workshop offers an opportunity to become more conscious of what it means for you to be a woman in these changing and often challenging times. You will become aware of limiting beliefs you have about yourself as a woman and the possibility of new choices. And you can discover the gifts that the Dangerous Woman offers.

Reasons to attend

Workshop leaders

 is a psychologist and therapist with more than thirty years experience in working with individuals and groups. She has her own practice in Amsterdam where she gives individual consultations, relationship counselling and workshops. She has extensive training in various therapeutic modalities and healing approaches. And she teaches in an academic programme with the Alef Trust. Her calling is to make a contribution to the restoration of balance of masculine and feminine in these changing times.


Faye Blake is first and foremost an astrologer. She has used astrological techniques for many years, backed up by therapeutic training. Part of her study included counselling which, when combined with astrology, offers powerful tools for working with all manner of issues. Many of her clients come with questions and dilemmas that relate to themes in this workshop. A horoscope is a great tool for helping women become empowered.




Rewiring relationships: Beyond expectations and beliefs

We enter relationships with grand enthusiasm and hope, but sometimes find that they fall far short of the potential we believed they had. Our partners may not live up to expectations, or the relationship itself seems to get stuck at various points. If we can understand the underlying dynamics of our partnerships, we may be able to steer around obstacles and create more joyful and harmonious relationships. We will explore the inner wiring of relationships to become more aware of the choices we make.

Participants will have the opportunity to have their astrology charts (give us your birth date, time, and place when you register) analysed by professional astrologers for relationship potentials and challenges.

This workshop is open to everyone who is interested in relationships whether they are currently in a relationship or not and will be lead by Zelda HallArmand Diaz from the US, and Faye Blake.

Armand’s part: Relationships through another lens

The problems we have in a relationship sometimes don’t come from actual interactions and experiences, but from the assumptions and beliefs about relationships that we carry. Most of us have images of an ideal relationship to which we compare our actual partnerships, and can decide that ‘different’ is ‘worse’ than the ideal. Often, too, each partner has a different underlying belief about what should be, and it can be hard to harmonise these visions. We will explore the parts of the horoscope that tell about relationship ideals and realities, and suggest strategies for working with them constructively.

Faye’s part: The power of balance

Faye will look at the issue of how to balance what you want with the wishes of your partner. How can you be yourself and follow your heart’s desire and still respect your partner’s dreams? Being aware of your own issues around stepping into your power and going for what you want can be very helpful. Are you in a power-struggle? Whose will is stronger? Are you doing what you really love or are you giving up who you really are? We will look at parts of your horoscope to give some insight into how empowerment and will can be developed in relationships.

Zelda’s part: The end of ‘normal’

The tectonic plates of culture are shifting on a planetary and a personal level and many of us are struggling to (re)define ourselves as ‘women’ or as ‘men’ in a changing world. Yet we bring into a relationship all sorts of ideas and assumptions about what is normal –  some conscious, some not so conscious. Our relationships may require of us that we let go of some of our most cherished beliefs. What do you need in order to be truly yourself in relationship? And to embrace the other fully.

Is this workshop for you?

No prior knowledge of astrology is needed. This workshop is for you if you are looking for ways to improve current or future partnerships, or seeking to understand the dynamics of past relationships.

What’s in it for you?

You’ll have the opportunity to experience simple, straightforward and insightful understanding of your relationship dynamics. You’ll also gain information from your horoscope, which often gives clarity as to your own patterns.

Workshop leaders

Zelda is a psychologist and therapist with more than thirty years experience in working with individuals and groups. She has her own practice in Amsterdam where she gives individual consultations, relationship counselling and workshops. She has extensive training in various therapeutic modalities and healing approaches. And she teaches in an academic programme with the Alef Trust. Her calling is to make a contribution to the restoration of balance of masculine and feminine in these changing times.



Faye Blake is first and foremost an astrologer. She has used astrological relationship techniques for many years, backed up by therapeutic training. Part of her study included couples counselling which, when combined with astrology, offers powerful tools for working with relationship issues. Many of her clients come with relationship questions and dilemmas. If partners attend sessions together it is ideal however much can be gained by defining personal relationship needs. A horoscope is a great tool for doing this.



Armand Diaz is a visiting astrologer from the US. He is a consulting astrologer with a practice based in New York and has an international clientele. Working with individuals and couples on relationship issues is a major part of his practice. Armand is the author of three books, including Separating Aspects: The Astrology of Breakups, Divorce, and Other Partings.